As a veterinary medicine student, if you don’t understand the licensure process, it can be confusing. The AAVSB is here to help you better understand how to navigate through the licensure process and to support you through the rest of your career.
Most future licensees will experience licensure before graduation. Your first experience with the licensure process could be your externship or preceptorship. A key piece to this experience is that you work under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. This ensures that the public is protected when you begin your practice.
The American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB) is an organization whose members are the United States, its territories and the Canadian provinces that regulate veterinary medicine.

Whether you plan on taking the NAVLE or the VTNE, your MyAAVSB account with the AAVSB is your career record and is the repository for the information and documents you will need for licensure throughout your career. Not only will this record benefit you when you apply for a license in a new state or province as you move or if you work on a patient outside of your home state or province, creating your MyAAVSB account in your last year of school will take you a step closer to preparing for your career in veterinary medicine. Setting up your MyAAVSB account starts with a simple application.
Create a MyAAVSB account for future useMost jurisdictions allow you to take the NAVLE when you are about six months away from graduating from your veterinary medicine program. The International Council for Veterinary Assessment (ICVA) develops the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE). This exam is used by all of the states and many Canadian provinces to determine your qualifications for initial licensure. Qualifications to sit for the NAVLE can be found on the ICVA website There may be different requirements depending on which jurisdiction you wish to obtain your initial licensure.
The AAVSB owns and delivers the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE). Most states and provinces require a passing score on the VTNE in order for a veterinary technician to be credentialed. Be sure to check your eligibility to sit for the VTNE before applying.